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Welcome to the Employment Relations in New Zealand site! Employment relations are part of our daily lives. The site concentrates on key areas and themes. It is intended to be a practical introduction and guide to the principal employment legislation as well as to provide the visitor with sources of information for future reference.



The Authors of 'Employment Relations in New Zealand'
Dr Felicity Lamm is a specialist in employment relations, occupational health and safety and the small business sector. She has a MPhil degree in Employment Relations from the University of Auckland and a PhD in Industrial Relations from the University of New South Wales. She has completed research projects for New Zealand and overseas public and private sector organisations in areas such as employment programmes, regulatory compliance behaviour, the small business sector and occupational health and safety. Currently she is on the research advisory panel for the OSH Service of the Department of Labour and is on the editorial board of the Journal of Safety Science.

Erling Rasmussen (Ph.D.) is the Professor of Work and Employment at Auckland University of Technology (New Zealand). He has worked in employment relations in academia, the public and private sectors since the 1970s and has had extensive experience of public policy formation and evaluation. He is the Co-Editor of the New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations (www.nzjournal.org ) and the New Zealand Director of the 41-country Cranet Survey of HRM practices. He has co-authored New Zealand’s leading textbooks on employment relations (www.employment.org.nz). Erling is a past president of the Association of Industrial Relations Academics in Australia and New Zealand (AIRAANZ), and has undertaken research for government, businesses and unions.
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